Nejc Bečan, skladatelj in dirigent, je po končani nižji glasbeni šoli izobraževanje nadaljeval na KGB Ljubljana (jazz saksofon) ter na Akademiji za glasbo (kompozicija in glasbena teorija), kjer je leta 2009 z odliko (summa cum laude) diplomiral v razredu Janija Goloba. Za študijske dosežke je bil nagrajen s Prešernovo nagrado UL.
Bečanov opus obsega številna simfonična ter komorna dela, posebno pozornost pa namenja glasbi za pihalni orkester. Med izvajalci so priljubljeni tudi njegovi aranžmaji najrazličnejših glasbenih zvrsti za orkestrske ali komorne zasedbe.
Leta 2012 je na Akademiji za glasbo zaključil študij dirigiranja v razredu Milivoja Šurbka, znanje pa poglabljal na dunajski Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajočo umetnost v mojstrskem razredu prof. Marka Stringerja. Od leta 2014 zaseda mesto dirigenta in umetniškega vodje Orkestra slovenske Policije, s katerim redno koncertira ter izvaja glasbeno umetniške projekte.
Nejc Bečan, composer and conductor, after having graduatedg from junior music school, continued his education at the KGB Ljubljana (jazz saxophone) and at the Academy of Music (composition and music theory), where he graduated with honors (summa cum laude) in 2009 in the class of Jani Golob. He was awarded the Prešeren UL Prize for his academic achievements.
Bečan’s opus includes symphonic and chamber works while special care is given to works for concert wind orchestra. His arrangements of various musical genres for orchestral or chamber ensembles are also popular among performers.
In 2012 he completed his conducting studies at the Academy of Music in the class of Milivoj Šurbek, and deepened his knowledge at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts in the master class of prof. Mark Stringer. Since 2014, he has held the position of conductor and artistic director of the Slovenian Police Orchestra, with which he regularly gives concerts and performs musical and artistic projects.