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Zoltán Szőke

Zoltán Szőke se je rodil v Budimpešti. Francoski rog je začel igrati pri osmih letih. Leta 2003 je diplomiral na Glasbeni akademiji Franza Liszta v razredu profesorja Ádáma Friedricha. Med letoma 1997 in 2016 je bil glavni hornist v Državni operi v Budimpešti. L. 2012 je postal glavni hornist Budimpeštanskega festivalskega orkestra. L. 2019 je bil imenovan za profesorja razreda roga na Glasbeni akademiji v Budimpešti.

Nagrajen je bil na številnih mednarodnih tekmovanjih, npr.:

1997, Iserlohn – 3. nagrada,

2005, Porcia – 1. nagrada,

2006, Brno – 1. nagrada.

Poleg sodelovanja v številnih orkestrih sodeluje v več komornih sestavih, s katerimi izvaja različna komorna dela,  igra pa tudi na različne naravne rogove. Njegov hobi je tek na dolge proge.


Zoltán Szőke was born in Budapest. He began to play the French Horn at the age of eight. He graduated his studies at Franz Liszt Music Academy in 2003 in the class of Professor Ádám Friedrich. 1997-2016 he had a position as a Principal Horn at the State Opera Budapest. 2012 – he became the Principal Horn of  Budapest Festival Orchestra. 2019 – he was appointed a teacher of the horn class of  Music Academy in Budapest.

He was awarded on several international competitions like:

1997, Iserlohn – 3rd Prize

2005, Porcia – 1st Prize

2006, Brno – 1st Prize

Besides the orchestral tasks, Zoltán plays a lot of chamber music with different formations and he plays on various natural horns as well. His hobby is long-distance running.


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