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Jerneja Grebenšek

Jerneja Grebenšek je diplomirala na umetniški in pedagoški smeri Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani pod vodstvom Acija Bertonclja, nadaljevala pa magistrski študij klavirske komorne glasbe na Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajočo umetnost v avstrijskem Gradcu pri prof. Käthe Wittlich. Vzporedno je nadaljevala tudi specialistični študij klavirja pri madžarskem pianistu prof. Lászlu Báranyayu. Po zaključenih podiplomskih študijih je leta 2005 s slovensko violinistko Mojco Menoni Sikur in violončelistom Martinom Sikurjem ustanovila Klavirski trio Ars Musica. Kot trio so se več let izpopolnjevali pri pianistu Chia-Chiu, nekdanjemu članu Tria Parnassus. V več kot petnajstih letih skupnega delovanja so gostovali na skoraj vseh odrih in abonmajskih sezonah ter festivalih po Sloveniji. Mnogi njihovi nastopi so arhivsko posneti za Radio Slovenija – program ARS, izdali so zgoščenko z deli slovenskih skladateljev. Več kot dvajset let se z veseljem posveča tudi pedagoškem delu na Umetniški gimnaziji v Velenju, kjer poučuje klavir, komorno igro in deluje kot korepetitor. Mnogi njeni učenci, dijaki in komorne skupine so nagrajenci mednarodnih ter državnih tekmovanj, številni pa uspešno nadaljujejo študij na glasbenih akademijah.

Jerneja Grebenšek graduated from the artistic and pedagogical department of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana under the guidance of Acij Bertonclj, and continued her master’s studies in piano chamber music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria, with Prof. Käthe Wittlich. In parallel, she also continued her specialist piano studies with Hungarian pianist Prof. László Báranyay. After completing her postgraduate studies, she founded the Ars Musica Piano Trio in 2005 with Slovenian violinist Mojca Menoni Sikur and cellist Martin Sikur. As a trio, they studied for several years with pianist Chia-Chiu, a former member of the Trio Parnassus. In more than fifteen years of working together, they have toured almost every stage, subscription season and festival in Slovenia. Many of their performances have been archived for Radio Slovenia – the ARS program, and they have released a CD with works by Slovenian composers. For more than twenty years, she has also been happily dedicating herself to teaching at the Art Gymnasium in Velenje, where she teaches piano, chamber music and works as an accompanist. Many of her students, high school students and chamber groups are prizewinners of international and national competitions, and many of them successfully continue their studies at music academies.

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