Toni Homan (roj.1968) je svojo glasbeno kariero začel v Glasbeni šoli Marjana Kozine Novo mesto, kjer se je pri profesorju Dragu Gradišku učil igrati trobento. Že takrat je vedel, da ga to veseli, zato je bilo pričakovano, da se je vpisal na Srednjo Glasbeno in Baletno šolo v Ljubljani. Da je glasba njegova prva ljubezen, je potrdil tudi s članstvom v mnogih glasbenih zasedbah, ki so igrale različne zvrsti.
Po uspešno zaključeni srednji šoli se je vpisal na Akademijo za glasbo v Ljubljani. Takrat je trobento zamenjal za francoski rog in šolanje pri profesorju Faloutu leta 1990 uspešno zaključil. Toni Homan se je že v času študija zaposlil v Glasbeni šoli Marjana Kozine Novo mesto. Čeprav se je specializiral za francoski rog, je s svojo izobrazbo lahko poučeval vsa trobila (najpogosteje trobento in rog).
Toni Homan (born 1968) began his music career at the Marjan Kozina Music School in Novo mesto, where he learned to play trumpet in the class of professor Drago Gradišek. Even then he was pleased to be playing the trumpet so it was expected that he enrolled at the Secondary Music and Ballet School in Ljubljana. He confirmed for music to be his first love by being a member of many bands that played different genres.
After successfully completing high school, he enrolled at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. At that time, he exchanged the trumpet for the French horn and successfully completed his schooling in the class of professor Falout in 1990.
Toni Homan was already employed at the Marjan Kozina Music School in Novo mesto during his studies. Although he specialized in the French horn, he was able to teach all the brass instruments (mostly the trumpet and horn).