Po opravljeni diplomi za kontrabas pri profesorju Josipu Novoselu na glasbeni akademiji leta 2001 je kot solistka in v različnih komornih sestavih nastopila po vsej Hrvaški in tudi v tujini. Svoje znanje je izpopolnjevala pri številnih priznanih kontrabasistih. Sodelovala je z Orkestrom hrvaške vojske, Orkestrom kazališta Komedija, zagrebčko Filharmonijo, Hrvaškim komornih orkestrom, Zagrebškim komornih orkestrom, GŠ Ksaver Šandor Gjalski v Zaboku, GŠ Ferdo Livadić v Samoboru in GŠ Elly Bašić. Med leti 1993 – 1998 je bila aktivna članica Zagrebškega mladinskega komornega orkestra, od leta 2005 pa je redno zaposlena na GŠ Pavel Markovec.
Leta 2015 je prejela Oskarja znanja za izjemne rezultate pri delu z učenci. Z željo izpopolniti svoje znanje na področju pedagogike je diplomirala predšolsko smer učiteljske fakultete, na temo filmska glasba.
Njeni učenci redno nastopajo na številnih koncertih, sodelujejo na tekmovanjih in festivalih, na katerih dobivajo visoke ocene tako s strani publike kot stroke in osvajajo številna priznanja in nagrade.
Kot mentorica svetuje in pomaga pri uvajanju in opravljanju strokovnega izpita tudi mladim kolegom kontrabasistom.
After completing her double bass diploma with Professor Josip Novosel at the Academy of Music in 2001, she has performed as a soloist and in various chamber ensembles throughout Croatia and abroad. She has refined her knowledge with many recognized double bass players. She has collaborated with the Croatian Army Orchestra, the Comedy Theater Orchestra, the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, the Croatian Chamber Orchestra, the Ksaver Šandor Gjalski Music School in Zabok, the Ferdo Livadić Music School in Samobor, and the Elly Bašić Music School. From 1993 to 1998 she was an active member of the Zagreb Youth Chamber Orchestra, and since 2005 she has been a full-time member of the Pavel Markovec Music School.
In 2015, she received an Academy Award for Outstanding Student Performance. Desiring to further her knowledge in the field of pedagogy, she graduated from the pre-school department of the Faculty of Teacher Education, with a degree in film music.
Her students regularly participate in numerous concerts, participate in competitions and festivals, at which they receive high marks from both the audience and professions and win numerous awards.
As a mentor, she advises and assists in introducing and passing the professional exam also to young fellow bass players.