Irena Anžič je diplomantka Visoke šole za glasbo v Münchnu (2007), kjer je istega leta opravila tudi umetniško specializacijo na citrah. Je prejemnica več priznanj in nagrad v mednarodnem in slovenskem prostoru. Ukvarja se s promocijo citer ne samo kot ljudski inštrument, temveč tudi v resnejši glasbeni sferi. Sodeluje pri različnih projektih, tako solistično kot v različnih komornih zasedbah, posnela je več zgoščenk (Zither moves, Vrtavka, Cvetje v Bachu), je avtorica učbenika za citre v več delih za standardno uglasitev ter več zbirk pesmi za najmlajše, na njeno pobudo je več komponistov skladalo za citre in še. Poučuje na glasbenih šolah v Celju in v Slovenski Bistrici.
Med drugim je sodelovala s Slovensko filharmonijo, simfoničnim orkestrom SNG Maribor, na Prešernovi proslavi, s STOP … Več let je organizirala citrarski seminar in razstavo v Celju ter bila podpredsednica Citrarskega društva Slovenije. Je soavtorica učnega načrta za citre za srednjo glasbeno šolo. Njeni učenci dosegajo lepe rezultate na državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih.(
Irena Anzic is a graduate of the University of Music in Munich (2007), where she completed her zither art specialization. She won several awards and plaques at the international and Slovenian competitons. She promotes zither not only as a folk instrument, but also in more serious music sphere. She has been involved in various projects, both solo and in different chamber ensembles. She has recorded several CDs (Zither moves, Vrtavka, Cvetje v Bachu), authored a zither textbook in several colections for standard tuning and several collections of songs for the youngest. At her initiative many composers composed for zithers and other. She teaches at Music school Celje and Slovenska Bistrica.
Among other things, she collaborated with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra, at the Prešeren Celebration, with STOP … For many years, she organized the Zither Seminar and Exhibition in Celje and was the Vice President of the Zither Society of Slovenia. She is the co-author of the Zither curriculum for high school music. Her students achieve great results in national and international competitions (