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Johannes Rohrer

Johannes Rohrer se je rodil  leta 1984 na Štajerskem.  Je večkratni dobitnik nagrade “Prima la Musica” ter  mednarodnega tekmovanja za citre (nagrada Ernst Volkmann 2004 in 2008). Najprej je študiral na konservatoriju v Gradcu pri Brigitti König in Christiane Sommer Zither, nato pa je pri Haraldu Oberlechnerju končal magisterij citer na Mozarteumu v Salzburgu. Trenutno poučuje citre na konservatoriju Johannes Josef Fux v Gradcu.

Johannes Rohrer was born in 1984 in Styria. He is a multiple winner of the “Prima la Musica” award and the International Zither Competition (Ernst Volkmann Award 2004 and 2008). He first studied zither at the Graz Conservatory of Music at Brigitta König and Christiane Sommer, and then completed a master’s degree in zither at the Mozarteum in Salzburg in the class of Harald Oberlechner. He is currently teaching zither at the Johannes Josef Fux Conservatory in Graz.

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