Roman PECHMANN (Slovaška / Avstrija) vodi razred harmonike na Koroškem deželnem konservatoriju v Celovcu. Po vsej Evropi uspešno nastopa kot solist in sodeluje v različnih glasbenih sestavih. Po diplomi iz harmonike in tolkal na Državnem konservatoriju v Bratislavi je nadaljeval s študijem pri Jamesu Crabbu in Geiru Draugsvollu na Univerzi v Graden in pri Miki Viiyrynenu na Koroškem deželnem konservatoriju v Celovcu.
Roman Pechmann je prejemnik številnih mednarodnih glasbenih nagrad, med drugim 1. nagrade na tekmovanju v Pulju, Hrvaška, 1. nagrade v Fürstenfeldu, Avstrija in 2. nagrade v Žilini na Slovaškem.
Roman PECHMANN (Slovakia I Austria) studied at the State Conservatory in Bratislava (accordion, drums) at the Carinthian State Conservatory in Klagenfurt in the class of Mika Väyrynen and at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz in the class of James Crabb and Geir Draugsvoll. Roman Pechmann has received numerous international music awards, including the 1st prize at the competition in Pula, Croatia, the 1st prize in Fürstenfeld, Austria and the 2nd prize in Žilina, Slovakia.
Since 1996 he has been the head of the accordion class at the Carinthian State Conservatory in Klagenfurt. He successfully performs as a soloist across Europe and participates in various musical compositions. He lectures at various seminars and courses (cult vacation, accordion is cool, Jeunesse Slovenia etc.), and participates as a juror at numerous national and international competitions.