Peter Napret (1968) je obiskoval Srednjo glasbeno šolo in Akademijo za glasbo v Ljubljani (violina pri prof. Slavku Zimšku). Šele v srednješolskih letih se je prvič srečal s citrami, o katerih ni do takrat vedel skoraj nič. Instrument ga je povsem prevzel, še zlasti ko je spoznal paleto njegovih izraznih zmožnosti in bogastvo literature, pisane za koncertne citre. Po violinski diplomi leta 1993 je veliko časa posvečal raziskovanju citrarstva doma in po svetu, študiral citre na Tirolskem deželnem konzervatoriju v Innsbrucku (Harald Oberlechner, Isolde Jordan), obiskoval citrarske seminarje ter se kasneje poleg violine lotil tudi poučevanja tega instrumenta. Zadnja leta poučuje na glasbenih šolah Fran Korun Koželjski Velenje in Ljubljana Moste – Polje, vodi pa tudi nekaj citrarskih skupin. Bil je pobudnik prve revije citrarskih orkestrov glasbenih šol Slovenije.
Nastopa po Sloveniji, igral pa je že tudi po več evropskih državah. Nekajkrat je nastopal tudi kot citrarski solist z orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije in drugimi orkestri. Večkrat je bil član različnih komisij na slovenskih in mednarodnih glasbenih tekmovanjih. Piše priredbe za citre, izdal je citrarski učbenik, publicira v različnih strokovnih časopisih (tudi v tujini), organizira citrarske prireditve, je soustanovitelj in član Slovenskega citrarskega kvarteta, bil pa je tudi ustanovitelj in kar 20 let predsednik leta 1999 v Grižah ustanovljenega Citrarskega društva Slovenije. Leta 2016 mu je Zveza slovenskih glasbenih šol podelila Priznanje Frana Gerbiča za izjemne uspehe na področju glasbene vzgoje in izobraževanja ter glasbenega poustvarjanja.
Peter Napret (1968) attended the Secondary Music School and the Academy of Music in Ljubljana (violin by Prof. Slavko Zimšek). In high school he first encountered zither about which he knew almost nothing until then. The instrument completely took him over, especially when he realized the range of its expressive abilities and the wealth of literature written for concert zither. After completing his violin degree in 1993, he devoted much of his time to the study of zither in Slovenia and across the world. He studied zither at the Tyrol Land Conservatory in Innsbruck (Harald Oberlechner, Isolde Jordan), he attended zither seminars and also began teaching the instrument alongside the violin. In recent years, he has been teaching at the Fran Korun Koželjski Velenje Music Schools and Ljubljana Moste – Polje. He also holds zither seminars. He was the initiator of the first zither festival orchestras of music schools of Slovenia.
He has performed in Slovenia and abroad. He performs as a soloist along with Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and other orchestras. He has been a member of various committees at Slovenian and international music competitions several times. He arranges zither pieces, publishes in various professional journals (also abroad), organizes zither events. He is a co-founder and member of the Slovenian Zither Quartet and also a member and for 20 president of Zither Society of Slovenia. In 2016, the Association of Slovenian Schools of Music awarded him the Fran Gerbič Award for his outstanding achievements in the field of music education and musical performance.