Peter Petrak (1975) se je rodil na Madžarskem. Obiskoval je glasbeno gimnazijo “Zoltan Kodaly” v Debrecnu. Po maturi leta 1993 se je vpisal na Akademijo za glasbo v Debrecnu in obiskoval kontrabas v razredu prof. Karoly Saruja. Leta 2000 je diplomiral in pridobil naziv mojster umetnosti. Po diplomi se je vpisal na Akademijo za glasbo “Hanns Eisler” v Berlinu.
Izpopolnjeval se je na mojstrskih tečajih (Csaba Prinyi, Norbert Duka). V času svojega šolanja se je udeleževal mnogih tekmovanj, na katerih je prejel visoka priznanja: Mednarodno tekmovanje v kontrabasu Frantiska Gregora 1995 v Kromerizu, Češka republika, Druga nagrada; Mednarodno tekmovanje v kontrabasu Rocky Montain 1996 v ZDA, Boulder Colorado University, I. nagrada; Mednarodno tekmovanje v kontrabasu Zoltan Tibay 1997 Debrecen, Madžarska, I. nagrada.
Od leta 2001 je veliko koncertiral, vodil mojstrske tečaje za kontrabas, od leta 2019 pa poučuje tudi na Konservatoriiu Johann-Joseph-Fux v Grazu.
Bil je član Simfoničnega orkester “MAV” (Budimpešta), kot nadomestni član je deloval v Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester v Berlinu, v letih 2000-2001 je opravil pripravništvo v Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester v Berlinu, od leta 2001 pa je član Graške filharmonije.
Peter Petrak (1975) was born in Hungary. He attended the music high school “Zoltan Kodaly” in Debrecen. After graduating in 1993, he enrolled at the Academy of Music in Debrecen and attended double bass in the class of prof. Karoly Saruj. In 2000 he graduated and obtained the title of Master of Arts. After graduating, he enrolled at the “Hanns Eisler” Academy of Music in Berlin.
He studied at master classes (Csaba Prinyi, Norbert Duka). During his schooling, he participated in many competitions, where he received high accolades: Frantisk Gregor International Double Bass Competition 1995 in Kromeriz, Czech Republic, Second Prize; Rocky Montain International Double Bass Competition 1996 in the USA, Boulder Colorado University, 1st prize; Zoltan Tibay International Double Bass Competition 1997 Debrecen, Hungary, 1st prize.
Since 2001 he has given many concerts, conducted double bass master classes, and since 2019 he has also been teaching at the Johann-Joseph-Fux Conservatory in Graz.
He was a member of the MAV Symphony Orchestra (Budapest), worked as an alternate member at the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester in Berlin, from 2000-2001 he did an internship at the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester in Berlin, and since 2001 he has been a member of the Graz Philharmonic.