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Siavush Gadjiev

Pianist Siavush Gadjiev je svoje glasbeno izobraževanje zaključil na Konservatoriju Čajkovski v Moskvi kot študent slavnih učiteljev, kot sta Bella Davidovich in Boris Zemliansky. Na Moskovskem konservatoriju je pridobil tudi diplomo magistra glasbe (»tečaj interpretacije«) in bil povabljen k poučevanju na prestižni Centralni posebni glasbeni šoli Moskovskega konservatorija, ki je namenjena izobraževanju glasbeno najbolj nadarjenih učencev nekdanje Sovjetske zveze ter Japonske, Madžarske, Jugoslavije, Romunije, Koreje, ZDA. Poučeval je veliko zelo nadarjenih učencev, med katerimi so bili zmagovalci tekmovanja Čajkovski, Axa Dublin, Schumann, Casagrande in drugih tekmovanj.

Gadjiev razvija izobraževalno dejavnost z mojstrskimi tečaji, seminarji in tematskimi predavanji-koncerti v Rusiji, Sloveniji, Hrvaški, Nemčiji, Italiji, s posebnim poudarkom na interpretaciji Mozarta, Beethovna, Rahmaninova in Prokofjeva. Vodi tudi posebne seminarje za bodoče pedagoge. Siavush Gadjiev je imel recitale v številnih mestih nekdanje Sovjetske zveze, Nemčiji, Sloveniji, Hrvaški, Jugoslaviji, Italiji in ZDA. Nastopal je tudi z velikimi orkestri in v komornih zasedbah z uglednimi evropskimi glasbeniki. Je član “Ljubljanskega klavirskega tria”. Bil je član žirij številnih mednarodnih klavirskih tekmovanj, med njimi: “Ferenc Liszt” v Budimpešti, “Hummel” v Bratislavi, “Città di Cantù” in mnogih drugih. Siavush Gadjiev je imel veliko mojstrskih tečajev in jih vodi po vsej Italiji, Sloveniji, Nemčiji in ZDA. Živi v Italiji in poučuje na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani (Slovenija) in v Gorici, v zasebni šoli za mlade talente, v kateri ima veliko študentov iz različnih koncev Italije in Slovenije, med njimi Giuseppeja Guarrera (2. nagrajenec na mednarodnem klavirskem tekmovanju Mottram Manchester), Alexander Gadjiev (1. nagrajenec klavirskega tekmovanja Hamamtsu 2015 in finalist mednarodnega klavirskega tekmovanja “Busoni” v Bolzanu) in mnogi drugi. Trenutno vodi tudi mojstrske tečaje in predavanja za magistrske študente na Konservatoriju Giuseppe Tartini v Trstu. Gadjiev je umetniški vodja mednarodnega klavirskega tekmovanja Giuliano Pecar in poletnega festivala Estate di Gorizia.

Recenzent in muzikolog Renato della Torre ga je v »Messaggero Veneto« opredelil kot umetnika »izrednega talenta, ki ga podpira čudovita pianistična tehnika«.

»Gadjiev je občinstvo hipnotiziral s Prokofjevovo Sedmo sonato v B-duru« (»Corriere dell’ Arte«, Torino).

“Interpretacija Brahmsovih skladb je bila glasbeni dogodek, ki bo še dolgo ostal v spominu …

Gadjiev je pokazal veliko bogato tradicijo ruske klavirske šole” (Olga Jovanović, “Promuzika”, Beograd).

“Izjemni pianist Gadjiev je izvajal Schumannov kvintet, kot da je izklesan v marmorju.” (J. Šetinc, “Večer”, Maribor).

»Javnost je bila navdušena nad najbolj dojemljivim, občutljivim in filozofskim nastopom. Glasbenik je čarobno ustvaril trenutke visoke intenzivnosti in različnih barv zvoka.« (Rudolf van der Vecht, „Westfalische Post“, Wuppertal).

The pianist Siavush Gadjiev completed his musical education at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow as a student of famous teachers such as Bella Davidovich and Boris Zemliansky. At the Moscow Conservatory he also obtained the Master of Music degree (“Course of Interpretation”) and was invited to teach in the prestigious Central Special Music School of the Moscow Conservatory, intended to train the most musically gifted pupils from the ex Soviet Union as well as from Japan, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Korea, United States. He taught many highly talented pupils, amongst whom there were winners of the Tchaikovsky competition, Axa Dublin, Schumann, Casagrande and other competitions. Gadjiev develops an educational activity running master classes, seminars and thematic lectures-concerts in Russia, Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, Italy, with particular emphasize on the interpretation of Mozart, Beethoven, Rachmaninov and Prokofiev. He also leads special classes for future pedagogues. Siavush Gadjiev has held recitals in many cities of the ex Soviet Union, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Italy and the USA. He has also performed with major orchestras and in chamber music ensembles with distinguished European musicians. He is a member of the “Ljubljana Piano Trio”. He was jury member of many international piano competitions, amongst them: “Ferenc Liszt” in Budapest, “Hummel” in Bratislava, “Città di Cantù” and many others. Siavush Gadjiev has held many master classes and keeps having them all over Italy, Slovenia, Germany and the United States. He lives in Italy and teaches at the Conservatory for Music and Ballet in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and in Gorizia, in a private school for young talents, in which he has many students from different parts of Italy and Slovenia, amongst them Giuseppe Guarrera (2nd Prize Winner at the Mottram Manchester International Piano Competition), Alexander Gadjiev (1st Prize Winner Hamamtsu piano competition 2015 and finalist of “Busoni” International Piano Competition in Bolzano) and many others. Currently he is also giving master classes and lectures for Master Degree students at the “Giuseppe Tartini” Conservatory in Triest. Gadjiev is the Artistic Director of the “Giuliano Pecar” International Piano Competition and the “Estate di Gorizia” summer festival.

The reviewer and musicologist Renato della Torre defined him in “Messaggero Veneto” as an artist “of great talent, supported by the splendid pianistic technique.”

“Gadjiev hypnotized the audience with the Prokofiev’s Seventh Sonata in B flat Major” (“Corriere dell’ Arte”, Turin).

“The interpretation of Brahms’ pieces was a musical event which will live in the memory for a long time …

Gadjiev demonstrated the great rich traditions of the Russian piano school” (Olga Jovanović, “Promuzika”, Beograd).

“The extraordinary pianist Gadjiev performed Schumann’s Quintet like it was sculptured in marble.” (J. Šetinc, “Večer”, Maribor).

“The public was impressed by a most perceiving, delicate and philosophical performance. Moments of high intensity and of various sound colours were magically created by the musician.” (Rudolf van der Vecht, “Westfalische Post“, Wuppertal).

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