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Srđan Filip Čaldarović

Srđan Filip Čaldarović (1973) je glasbeno izobraževanje začel na glasbeni šoli “Pavao Markovac” v razredu prof. Jelice Kuzmin. Študiral je na Glasbeni akademiji Univerze v Zagrebu, kjer je diplomiral iz klavirja v razredu prof. Vladimirja Krpana (1995). Študiral je na Indiana University School of Music v Bloomingtonu v ZDA v razredu prof. Leonarda Hokansona (1996), na Trinity College of Music v Londonu v razredu prof. Philipa Fowkeja (2001) in na koncu magistriral na prestižni ameriški univerzi v Miamiju na Floridi v razredu prof. J. Roberta Floyda (2002). Svoje koncertne sposobnosti razvija na številnih mednarodnih tečajih (Timakina, Rose, Groppenberger, Coste) medtem pa izstopa s svojimi vsestranskimi solističnimi in komornimi nastopi, v katerih potrjuje upravičenost osvajanja nagrad in laskavih kritik. Je pogost gost mednarodnih festivalov “Carl Orff” v Italiji in “Westfalen Classics” v Nemčiji. Redno prireja samostojne recitale po vsej Severni Ameriki, Evropi in jugovzhodni Aziji. Je član žirije klavirskih tekmovanj na Hrvaškem in v tujini. Od leta 2005 je Čaldarović zaposlen kot docent, od leta 2019 pa redni profesor na Akademiji za glasbo v Zagrebu. Leta 2013 je prejel nagrado Milka Trnina za umetniško dejavnost

Srdjan F. Caldarovic, born January, 8th 1973 in Zagreb, Croatia, started to play piano at the age of five in the music school „Pavao Markovac“ where he graduated in 1990. in the calss of prof. Jelica Kuzmin. During his music education in primary and secondary music schools in Zagreb, he had appeared in many public performances. He had played as a soloist with several orchestras, including the Zagreb Soloists ensemble (at the age of 13), Zagreb Symphony Orchestra, Budafok-Dohnany Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra dell’Amministrazione di Bari. From 1990 onwards he gives solo and chamber music recitals on a regular basis in Croatia, Germany, Italy, USA and Canada.  For several of his performances, Caldarovic has won outstanding awards (Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1, Liszt: Sonata in B minor). For his Washington debut music critic Cecilia Porter wrote –“Caldarovic’s playing reveals consummate artistry in coupling an introspective approach with refined sensitivity for phrasing…”
After graduating as a piano major at the Music Academy, University of Zagreb in the class of Prof. Vladimir Krpan (1995) Caldarovic went onwards to perfect his pianist skills at Indiana University in Bloomington with Prof. Leonard Hokanson (1996), and later at the Trinity College of Music with Prof. Philip Fowke (2000). After completing these performance-oriented programs, Caldarovic became a Teaching assistant at the University of Miami School of Music where he obtained a Master’s degree in Piano performance, under the guidance of J.B. Floyd (2002). He has actively participated in masterclasses held by E. Timakin, S. Costa, R. Kehrer, J. Rose, and R. de Waal.

From 2019 he holds a position as the Full Professor at the Music Academy, Piano Department in Zagreb, Croatia. He records regularly for Croatian radio and TV, and has published two CD’s.

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