Slomškov trg 10, Celje  |  03 492-57-30  |  [email protected]
slo  | eng

General terms and rules of the competition


1. The competitionis open for young musicians of all nationalities and is divided into age categories for the discipline piano. The age category is determined by calendar year (from January 1st until December 31st).

Example: Duration of the competition is from 15th until 18th of April 2023, competitor is born on June 5th 2015 – competitor is 8 years old.

Age categories for discipline piano:

  • Pre-category – 9 years and younger
  • I. category – 11 years and younger
  • II. category – 13 years and younger
  • III. category – 15 years and younger
  • IV. category – 17 years and younger
  • V. category – 19 years and younger
  • VI. category – 22 years and younger
  • VII. category – 25 years and younger

2. Application deadline: 5th of March 2023.


The application must contain:

  • a completed application form and printed (electronic application will be available on glasbena-sola-celje.si),
  • a completed Consent of the parents or legal representatives for the processing / publication of personal data of the competitor (avaliable at the end of electronic application).
  • a receipt of the payment of the application fee.

a copy of a valid personal document with the note above the picture “for the purpose of the 4th International competition Celeia 2023.

3. Application fee:

  • Pre-category, I., II. and III. category – 60 €
  • IV. and V. category: 70 €
  • VI. and VII. category – 80 €

The application fee is to be paid to:


Slomškov trg 10

3000 CELJE


Account No. at Banka Slovenije (Bank of Slovenia) SI56 012116030709537


Reference No.: SI00 760599-23



The application fee is non-refundable in case of a candidate’s withdrawal after 15th March 2023.

4. The organizer can limit the maximum number of competitors in which case the order of the applications received will be considered.

5. The programmeis performed entirely by heart unless otherwise provided in the propositions.

6. Award and special prizes criteria:

All competitors receive:

  • gold plaque for achieving 95 – 100 points
  • silver plaque for achieving 90 – 94,99 points
  • bronze plaque for achieving 85 – 89,99 points
  • participation award for achieving 84,99 or less points

In VI. and VII. category in discipline piano special money prizes will be awarded for the 1st place for the competitors if the competitor receives a gold plaque.

In III. category a special prize “Solo performance with the Music school Celje orchestra” in the school year 2023/24 will be awarded by the organizer. The winner is chosen by the organizer.

7. Awards and special prizes will be presented at the conclusion of the competition Celeia 2023.

8. A jury member must abstain from voting in case of a teaching relationship or kinship with a candidate.

9. The jury has the right to stop the performance if the candidate exceeds the prescribed time limit.

10. The order of the performance of the competitors will be in the alphabetical order.

11. When registering, competitors must present a valid identity document.

12. The results will be announced after 3 hours at the latest after the closing of performances in each category.

13. The competition is open to public and the organizer reserves the right to photograph, record, film and web stream or broadcast any part of the competition events.

14. Competitors must grant organiser of the competition the sole and exclusive right the use of photographs and recordings in perpetuity, and irrevocably waive, in favour of the competition, the benefit of all moral rights and performer’s rights arising under the Copyright or under the laws of any jurisdiction. No fee is payable to any competitor on account of these performances or any recordings or broadcasts of them. All materials will be used solely with a purpose to publicize the results and to promote the 4th International Competition Celeia 2023.

15. The jury decisionsare final.

16. By registering, the competitorconfirms that he/she accepts the conditions of the 4th international competition Celeia 2023.

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