Corrado Rojac je svoj glasbeni študij pričel s harmoniko, instrumentom, ki se mu je posvetil z največjim navdušenjem. Obenem je študiral in diplomiral tudi iz violončela, klavirja, zgodovine glasbe in kompozicije.
S koncertno harmoniko je dosegel svoj življenjski cilj, saj je s harmoniko svoja umetniška stremljenja izpopolnil do največje mere. Danes ga uvrščamo med najpomembnejše harmonikaše.
Corrado Rojac je študij pričel na Glasbeni Matici v Trstu, sprva pod mentorstvom Klavdija Furlana, nato z Eliano Zajec; Kasneje je svoje znanje izpopolnjeval z Mogensom Ellegaardom, Friedrichom Lipsom, Josephom Macerollom, Hugom Nothom in Vladimirom Zubickem. Je prvi diplomant koncertne harmonike na državnem konservatoriju v Italiji. Svoj študij je leta 1994 zaključil na Konservatoriju “Cherubini” v Firencah pod mentorstvom Eliane Zajec.
Je med prvimi mentorji harmonike na državnem konservatoriju v Italiji. Sprva je poučeval v Fermu (Konservatorij “Pergolesi”), nato pa v Mantovi (Konservatorij “Campiani”). Trenutno poučuje na Konservatoriju “Tartini” v Trstu, kot gostujoči profesor pa občasno poučuje v najvidnejših evropskih glasbenih središčih, kakršna sta Musikhochschule v Hannoverju in pa Kraljeva Akademija za glasbo v Londonu. Njegovi študentje, med katerimi naj omenimo Eleonoro Tomassetti in Ghenadija Rotarija, so prejemniki prestižnih nagrad na pomembnih tekmovanjih, kot na primer Svetovno prvenstvo harmonikarjev ali pa znamenito mednarodno tekmovanje Strumenti e Musica v Spoletu. Corrado Rojac je pogosto član komisij na najvidnejših tekmovanjih, kakršna sta tudi Coupe Mondiale de l’accordéon ali pa slovenska Svirel in Temsig.
Igral je v najprestižnejših italijanskih glasbenih ustanovah kot je Kraljevo Gledališče v Turinu, Arena v Veroni, Prijatelji glasbe v Padovi, beneška Fenice, Koncertno društvo v Trstu, Filharmonija v Bologni, Univerzitetna koncertna ustanova v Rimu.
Nastopal je na pomembnih evropskih in svetovnih prizoriščih, kakršna so festival Aspekte v Salzburgu, Zagrebski Bienale, Teden nove glasbe v Bukarešti ali pa Drugi festival italijanske sodobne glasbe v Pekingu.
Prispeval je k uveljavitvi harmonikarskega sodobnega repertoarja s številnimi premiernimi izvedbami skladb, ki so mu bile večkrat tudi posvečene; za harmoniko je premierno izvedel tudi nekaj svojih kompozicij.
Koncertno harmoniko je uveljavil tudi v svetu elektronske glasbe: naj tu omenimo skladbi Drammatico III ali Rifr-azioni, ki sta nastali s sodelovanjem elektronskega studia Agon v Milanu in Centra za računalniško zvočnost v Padovi. Na tem področju je nastala tudi kompozicija Rhapsody 21, skladba za harmoniko in računalnik, ki jo je spisal Giuseppe Giuliano ob sodelovanju Corrada Rojaca.
Glasbeno je zelo aktiven na številnih glasbenih področjih.
Corrado Rojac began his musical studies with the accordion, an instrument that over the years he has been devoted to with greatest enthusiasm. At the same time he has studied and graduated from the cello, the piano, Musical history and Composition. With a concert accordion he achieved his life goal as he perfected his artistic aspiration to the greatest extent possible. Today he is one of the most important accordion musician.
Corrado Rojac began his studies at Glasbena matica in Trst in the class of Klavdij Furlan and later in the class of Eliana Zajec. After that he improved his knowledge with Mogensom Ellegaardom, Friedrichom Lipsom, Josephom Macerollom, Hugom Nothom and Vladimirom Zubickem. He is the first graduate in the concert accordion at the National conservatory in Italy. He completed his study in the class of Eliane Zajec at the Cherubini conservatory, Florence in 1994.
He is one of the first accordion mentors at the National conservatory in Italy. He began teaching in Ferm (Pergolesi Conservatorium) and continued in Mantova (Campiani Conservatorium). Currently he teaches ar Tartin Conservatorium in Trst, ocassionaly also as a visiting teacher at most prominent music centers among Europe such as Music high school in Hannover and Royal Music Academy in London. His students (Eleonore Tomassetti and Ghenadi Rotri must be mentioned) have won most prestigious awards at most significant international competitions such as Accordion world championship or famous international competition Strumneti e Musica in Spoleto. He is often a member of international commissions at competitions such as Coupe Mondiale de l’accordéon or Slovenian Svirel and Temsig.
He played at most prestigous italian musical institutions, such as Royal Theatre in Torino, Arene in Verona, Freinds of music in Padova, Fenice at Venice, Concert association in Trst, Bologna Filpharmony and University concert hall in Rome.
He performed at European and world most important music halls (Festival Aspekte in Salzburg, Zagreb Bienale, Music week in Bukarest, Italian modern music festival in Bejing).
He contributed to the implementation of modern accordion repertoire with numerous premieres, many of them dedicated to Corrado himself. He also premiered some of his accordion compositions.
He implemented the concert accordion in electronic music with compositions Drammatico III and Rifr-azioni. He also co-authored Rhapsody 21 for accordion and computer by Giuseppe Guliano.
He is very active at all kind of music fields all over the world.
He’s got lots of knowledge and experience in education field and also as an active professional musician. For 8 years he has been teaching double bass. As a substitute player he is a member of different symphonic orchestras such as RTV Slovenija, Slovene philharmonic orchestra and SNG Opera and Ballet.