Primož Kranjc se je izobraževal na Univerzi za glasbo in upodabljajočo umetnost v avstrijskem Gradcu in na Kraljevi danski akademiji za glasbo v Københavnu, kjer je v razredu prof. Jamesa Crabba z odliko opravil magistrsko stopnjo leta 2006. V času študija je vseskozi sodeloval na kulturnih in državnih slovesnostih slovenskega veleposlaništva na Danskem ter bil štipendist Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Slovenije.
V okviru mojstrskih tečajev za harmoniko in komorno igro je svoje znanje izpopolnjeval pri mentorjih Francu Žibertu, Tomažu Lorenzu, Andreju Petraču in Mateju Šarcu.
Poleg solističnega nastopanja je aktiven tudi v različnih komornih zasedbah, s katerimi koncertira doma in v tujini. Med njegova pomembnejša gostovanja sodijo koncerti v evropskih prestolnicah – Koncerthus v Oslu, Slovenski kulturni center na Dunaju, Malakoff Theatre v Parizu in Kulturhuset v Stockholmu. Občasno sodeluje tudi z Orkestrom Slovenke filhamonije in Orkestrom SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana.
Od leta 2006 deluje kot pedagog v Glasbeni šoli Grosuplje, od leta 2008 v Glasbeni šoli Velenje Fran Korun Koželjski ter od leta 2010 še na Umetniški gimnaziji Velenje.
Primož Kranjc studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria, and at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen. He received his Master’s Degree with honors in 2006. During his studies he participated in cultural and national ceremonies of the Slovenian Embassy in Denmark and was a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
As part of his masterclasses on accordion and chamber play he perfected his skills with mentors Franz Žibert, Tomaž Lorenz, Andrej Petrač and Matej Šarac.
In addition to performing solo, he is also active in various chamber ensembles with which he performs at home and abroad. His most important guest appearances include concerts in European capitals – the Oslo Concertus, the Slovenian Cultural Center in Vienna, the Malakoff Theater in Paris and the Kulturhuset in Stockholm. He also occasionally collaborates with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the SNG Opera and Ballet Orchestra in Ljubljana.
Since 2006 he has been working as an educator at the Grosuplje Music School, since 2008 at the Velenje Music School Fran Korun Koželjski, and since 2010 at the Velenje Art High School.