Tamara Ražem Locatelli je začela s študijem klavirja na šoli Glasbene matice v Trstu. Leta 1994 je z odliko diplomirala na državnem konservatoriju »Tartini« v Trstu v razredu prof. Xenje Brass. Študij je nadaljevala pri profesorju Sijavushu Gadjievu.
Udeležila se je raznih izpopolnjevalnih tečajev iz klavirja pod mentorstvom priznanih profesorjev: Igor Lazko, Franco Scala, Riccardo Risaliti, Boris Petrushanski, Luciano Lanfranchi, Arbo Valdma, Roland Proell, Konstantin Bogino.
Prejela je najvišja točkovanja na številnih mednarodnih tekmovanjih.
S solističnimi recitali,v raznih komornih zasedbah in orkestri je nastopila v Italiji, Sloveniji, Hrvaški, Češki, Avstriji. Omembe vredna je turneja aprila 2004 v Severni Koreji-Pjongjang, kjer je koncertirala pred 5000 poslušalci.
Junija 2008 je nastopila v dvorani opernega gledališča v Montecarlu v orviru festivala
Sodeluje z opernimi pevci..Redno koncertira z možem, baritonistom Damjanom Locatellijem.
Od leta 2006 igra v klavirskem duu Excentury s kolegico Aleksandro Češnjevar Glavina.
Od leta 1996 vodi mešani pevski zbor iz rodne Bazovice, s katerim je imela preko 180 koncertov in posnela dve zgoščenki.Podvig zbora je bil leta 2015, ko so pevci imeli koncert v Areni v Veroni.
Tamara Ražem je snemala večkrat za razne radijske in televizijske postaje.
Poučuje na GŠ v Sežani in Glasbeni matici v Trstu .Njeni učenci se uvrščajo v sam vrh lestvic mednarodnih in državnih tekmovanj.Prejeli so okoli 200 nagrad. Tamara Ražem je tudi clanica komisij raznih tekmovanj. Za svoje izjemne dosežke na pedagoškem in organizacijskem področju pri uveljavljanju glasbene vzgoje in izobraževanja je Tamara Ražem Locatelli prejemnica Gerbičevega priznanja 2018.
Tamara Ražem Locatelli began her piano studies at the Music Academy in Trieste. In 1994, she graduated with honors from the state conservatory “Tartini” in Trieste in the class of prof. Xenje Brass. She continued her studies with professor Sijavush Gadjiev.
She attended various advanced piano courses under the mentorship of renowned professors: Igor Lazko, Franco Scala, Riccardo Risaliti, Boris Petrushanski, Luciano Lanfranchi, Arbo Valdma, Roland Proell, Konstantin Bogino.
She received the highest scores in many international competitions. She performed solo recitals in various chamber ensembles and orchestras in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Austria. Worth mentioning is the tour in April 2004 in North Korea-Pyongyang, where she gave a concert in front of 5,000 listeners.
In June 2008, she performed in the hall of the Opera Theater in Montecarlo in the opening act of the Mastervoices festival.
She accompanies opera singers. She regularly performs concerts with her husband, baritone Damjan Locatelli.
Since 2006 she has been playing in the piano duo Excentury with her colleague Aleksandra Česnjevar Glavina. Since 1996, she has led a mixed choir from her native Bazovice, with which she has given over 180 concerts and recorded two CDs.
Tamara Ražem has recorded several times for various radio and television stations.
She teaches at the secondary school in Sežana and Glasbena matica in Trieste. Her students rank at the very top in international and national competitions. They have received around 200 awards. Tamara Ražem is also a member of the juries of various competitions. Tamara Ražem Locatelli is the recipient of the 2018 Gerbič award for her outstanding achievements in the pedagogical and organizational field in promoting music education.