Hans Maier (r. 1977) je študiral na Državni univerzi za glasbo Trossingen pri prof. Hugu Nothu kot štipendist Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, DAAD in štipendije Japonicum Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. Tam je končal pedagoško in umetniško diplomo ter šolanje solista. Nato je študij nadaljeval na univerzi Ludwig-Maximilians v Münchnu s kombinacijo muzikologije, japonologije in sodobne nemške literature, da bi poglobil svojo znanstveno izobrazbo. Magistrsko nalogo je napisal na temo Toru Takemitsu in zahodna glasba.
Poleg tega je Maier intenzivno študiral zgodovinsko izvajalsko prakso stare glasbe na številnih mojstrskih tečajih, med drugim pri Martinu Haselböcku in Joryju Vinicourju. Izrazito koncertno dejavnost izvaja tako kot solist kot v komornih zasedbah na priznanih koncertnih serijah (npr. koncerti Hofburgkapelle Wien, Lautwechsel 2005, Gmundener Festwochen 2004, Traumspiele 2002, Artionale 2004, Fest für Neue Musik München, Orgelski festival Smarano, Expo 2000 itd.) in v znanih koncertnih dvoranah v Evropi in na Japonskem (npr. Gasteig München, Državna opera in Schauspielhaus Stuttgart, Schauspielhaus Bochum, Maytheater Osaka, Reinanzaka-Kyokai Tokyo, Slowackie-Theater Krakow, Hofburgkapelle Dunaj, Kongresshalle Böblingen, katedrala St. Michel Bruselj). Njegovo umetniško delovanje dopolnjujejo posnetki pri ORF, RAI, SWR, 3sat in BR.
Sodeloval je z več skladatelji, med drugim z Albrechtom Gürschingom in Nikolausom Brassom, in praizvedel njemu posvečena dela. Od leta 2003 do 2007 je vodil razred za harmoniko in komorno igro na Kreismusikschule Fürstenfeldbruck, iz katerega so med drugim izšli prvonagrajenci na Jugend musiziert in štipendisti elite Bavarskega radia.
Poučeval je harmoniko in komorno igro na izpopolnjevanju v Nemčiji, Italiji in Švici ter predaval z idejo o enotnosti praktičnih, pedagoških in teoretičnih pogledov na glasbo.
V zimskem semestru 2007/2008 je bil kot naslednik Huga Notha imenovan za profesorja za harmoniko, komorno igro in metodologijo na Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen.
Hans Maier (b. 1977) studied at the Trossingen State University of Music with Prof. Hugo Noth as a scholarship holder of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, the DAAD and the Japonicum Scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. There he completed his music teacher and artistic diploma as well as his soloist training. Afterwards, he continued his studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich with a combination of musicology, Japanese studies and modern German literature in order to deepen his scientific education. He wrote his master’s thesis on Toru Takemitsu and Western music.
In addition, Maier intensively studied the historical performance practice of early music in numerous master classes, among others with Martin Haselböck and Jory Vinicour. He pursues a distinctive concert activity both as a soloist and in chamber music formations at renowned concert series (e.g. concerts of the Hofburgkapelle Wien, Lautwechsel 2005, Gmundener Festwochen 2004, Traumspiele 2002, Artionale 2004, Fest für Neue Musik München, Organ Festival Smarano, Expo 2000 etc.) and in well-known concert halls in Europe and Japan (e.g. Gasteig Munich, State Opera and Schauspielhaus Stuttgart, Schauspielhaus Bochum, Maytheater Osaka, Reinanzaka-Kyokai Tokyo, Slowackie-Theater Krakow, Hofburgkapelle Vienna, Kongresshalle Böblingen, Cathedral St. Michel Brussels). Recordings with ORF, RAI, SWR, 3sat and BR complement his artistic activities.
He has collaborated with several composers, including Albrecht Gürsching and Nikolaus Brass, and premiered the works dedicated to him. From 2003 to 2007, he led a class for accordion and chamber music at the Kreismusikschule Fürstenfeldbruck, from which, among other things, 1st prize winners at Jugend musiziert and scholarship holders of the elite of the Bavarian Radio emerged.
He has taught accordion and chamber music at further education events in Germany, Italy and Switzerland and has given lectures with the idea of a unity of practical, pedagogical and theoretical views on music.
In the winter semester 2007/2008 he was appointed professor for accordion, chamber music and methodology at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen as successor to Hugo Noth.