Helena Hartman, prof. nemškega jezika s književnostjo in geografijo, je leta 2001 končala študij citer na Konservatoriju Johanna Josepha Fuxa v Gradcu. Na Glasbeni šoli Rogaška Slatina že 24 let poučuje citre. Sodeluje v mednarodnih in državnih žirijah citrarskih tekmovanj. V okviru Citrarskega društva Slovenije je organizirala več citrarskih seminarjev in sodelovala pri oblikovanju Učnega načrta za citre na Glasbeni gimnaziji. Njeno poslanstvo je predano pedagoškemu delu, navdušiti čim več mladih za študij citer, tako na srednji kot akademski poti.
Helena Hartman, prof. of the German language with literature and geography, graduated in zither studies at the Johann Joseph Fux Conservatory of Graz in 2001. He has been teaching zither at the Rogaška Slatina Music School for 24 years. She participates in international and national juries of zither competitions. Within the framework of the Zither Society of Slovenia, she organized several zither masterclasses and participated in the creation of the Zither Curriculum at the Music Gymnasium. Her mission is dedicated to pedagogical work, to inspire as many young people as possible to study zithers, both in the middle and academic paths.