Mikela Uršič je žena in mama, ter glasbena pedagoginja, ki uživa v raziskovanju, razvijanju in odkrivanju glasbenih talentov pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Diplomirala je iz klasične harmonike na državnem italijanskem konservatoriju »L. Campiani« v Mantovi, v razredu izjemne ženske in profesorice Eliane Zajec. Poučevala je na Glasbeni šoli v Sežani, na »Istituto di Musica« v Gorici, ter na tržaškem konservatoriju za glasbo v Trstu. Njeni učenci so na številnih državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih (kot so Castelfidardo, Klinghental, CMA, Cia, Pulj …) dosegli prva absolutna mesta. S svojimi učenci, ki so zaključili 8. razredov nižje glasbene šole, je leta 2015 ustanovila Glasbeno društvo InMusic. V društvu deluje harmonikarski orkester – InMusic Orchestra, katerega poslanstvo je, da širši publiki doma in v tujini predstavi klasično harmoniko in klasično glasbo.
Po 23 letih poučevanja na glasbeni šoli se je odločila za samostojno pot, kjer otrokom in mladostnikom nudi svoj način dela saj je mnenja, da se v čisto vsakem posamezniku skriva skriti glasbeni potencial, ki ga mora, kot človek in pedagog, poiskati in razviti. S svojim načinom dela skuša NAVDIH-niti vsakega otroka, mladostnika in odraslega, ki vstopi v njeno življenje. Verjame, da lahko s pomočjo umetnosti, glasbe in klasične harmonike pripomore k boljšemu in lepšemu svetu.
Mikela Uršič is a wife and mother, as well as a music teacher who enjoys researching, developing and discovering musical talents in children and young people. She graduated in classical accordion at the state Italian conservatory “L. Campiani” in Mantova, in the class of the outstanding woman and professor Eliana Zajec. She taught at the Music School in Sežana, at the “Istituto di Musica” in Gorica, and at the Trieste Conservatory of Music in Trieste. Her students achieved first place in many national and international competitions (such as Castelfidardo, Klinghental, CMA, Cia, Pula …). In 2015, she founded the InMusic Society with her students, who completed the 8th grade of the elementary music school. The society has an accordion orchestra – InMusic Orchestra, whose mission is to present the classical accordion and classical music to a wider audience at home and abroad.
After 23 years of teaching at a music school, she decided to go on her own path, where she offers children and young people her own way of working, as she believes that every individual has a hidden musical potential, which, as a person and educator, she must find and develop. With her way of working, she tries to inspire every child, teenager and adult who enters her life. She believes that with the help of art, music and the classical accordion she can contribute to a better and more beautiful world.