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Primož Zemljak

Primož Zemljak se je začel učiti igranja na rog na Senovem pri Janezu Ceglarju in v Krškem pri Dragu Gradišku. Šolanje je nadaljeval na Srednji glasbeni in baletni šoli v Ljubljani pri Metodu Tomacu, nato na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani pri prof. Boštjanu Lipovšku in prof. Jožetu Faloutu, v razredu katerega je z odliko diplomiral. Izpopolnjeval se je pri priznanih tujih profesorjih kot so: Erich Penzel, Pálma Szilágyi, Wolfgang Gaag, Ab Koster in Johannes Hinterholzer. Kot komorni glasbenik je sodeloval z vrhunskimi glasbeniki (Boštjan Lipovšek, Andrej Žust, Stanko Arnold, Mate Bekavac, Sergio Azzolini, s člani trobilnega kvinteta Gomalan Brass, s člani pihalnega kvinteta Slowind, s Slovenskim kvintetom trobil, s pihalnim kvintetom Ariart in drugimi).

Je prvi rogist orkestra SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, kot gostujoči solo hornist pa je med drugimi sodeloval z orkestri kot so: Sinfonia Varsovia, Academia Ars Musicae, Orkester Jeunesses Musicales Suisse, s Komornim orkestrom solistov Društva slovenskih skladateljev (KOS DSS), s katerim se je predstavil tudi kot solist. Sodeluje v glasbenem sestavu “Orchestra of the Imaginary”, ki izvaja kompozicije Andreja Goričarja za neme filme.

Kot član žirij sodeluje na republiških tekmovanjih doma in v tujini (avstrijsko zvezno tekmovanje/Bundeswettbewerb “Prima la musica”). Od leta 2004 poučuje rog na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani. Je član trobilnega kvinteta Emona Brass.


Primož Zemljak started playing the horn in the class of Janez Ceglar and in the class of Drago Gradišek. He continued his education at High school of music and ballet in Ljubljana in the class of Metod Tomac, then at Academy of Music in Ljubljana in the class Boštjan Lipovšek and Jože Falout, where he graduated with honours. He attended several masterclasses with foreign professors such as Erich Penzel, Pálma Szilágyi, Wolfgang Gaag, Ab Koster and Johannes Hinterholzer. As a chamber musician, he worked with top musicians (Boštjan Lipovšek, Andrej Žust, Stanko Arnold, Mate Bekavac, Sergio Azzolini, with members of the Gomalan Brass brass quintet, with members of the Slowind brass quintet, with the Slovenian brass quintet, with the Ariart brass quintet and others).

He is the first horn player of the SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana orchestra. As a guest soloist horn player he has also worked with orchestras such as Sinfonia Varsovia, Academia Ars Musicae, Orchestra Jeunesses Musicales Suisse, with the orchestra of soloists of the Society of Slovenian Composers (KOS DSS), with whom he also performed as a soloist. He participates in the musical project “Orchestra of the Imaginary”, which performs Andrej Goričar’s compositions for silent films.

As a member of juries, he participates in national competitions at home and abroad (Austrian federal competition/Bundeswettbewerb “Prima la musica”). Since 2004 he has been teaching horn at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana. He is a member of the Emona Brass quintet.

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