Po končani nižji glasbeni šoli v Črnomlju je nadaljeval šolanje na srednji glasbeni šoli v Ljubljani pod vodstvom prof. Luciana Boleta, kjer je končal šolanje z javnim koncertom. Kasneje je po opravljenem sprejemnem preizkusu nadaljeval študij na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani pri prof. Igorju Bittnerju. Diplomiral je leta 1999 in pridobil strokovni naziv akademski glasbenik kontrabasist in profesor kontrabasa. Po končanem študiju je dve leti nadaljeval kariero v Simfoničnem orkestru radia Köln v Nemčiji. Kasneje se je zaposlil v Glasbeni šoli Črnomelj in občasno sodeloval s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija, Orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije in Orkestrom SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana. Po zaposlitvi v Glasbeni šoli Črnomelj je začel intenzivno usmerjati učence na učenje kontrabasa. V šolskem letu 2002/2003 je oddelek kontrabasa štel 16 učencev. Vzporedno je do leta 2004 v Glasbeni šoli Celje poučeval kontrabas na osnovni in srednji stopnji. Prav tako je vodil tamburaški in godalni orkester Glasbene šole Črnomelj. Z orkestri in učenci kontrabasa se je redno udeleževal različnih tekmovanj in tekmovanj v okvirju Temsiga. Na državnem tekmovanju mladih glasbenikov republike Slovenije je z učenci dosegel 4 zlata (od teh eno 1. nagrado) in 3 srebrna priznanja. S tamburaškim orkestrom Glasbene šole Črnomelj je med drugim osvojil 1. nagrado na mednarodnem tekmovanju v teatru Pollini v Padovi. Zadnja leta je za Temsig prispeval tekmovalni program za disciplino kontrabas v kategorijah 1. b in 1. c in bil tudi predsednik komisije na zadnjem regijskem tekmovanju po novi shemi. Prav tako redno ocenjuje mednarodna kontrabasistična tekmovanja (Hrvaška, Italija, Srbija …) Trenutno v Glasbeni šoli Črnomelj opravlja tretji mandat funkcije ravnatelja.
After graduating from elementary music school in Črnomelj, he continued his education at the secondary music school in Ljubljana in the class of prof. Luciano Bole, where he graduated with a public concert. Later, after passing the entrance examination, he continued his studies at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana in the class of prof. Igor Bittner. He graduated in 1999 with the professional title of academic music double bass player and double bass professor. After completing his studies, he continued his career at the Köln Radio Symphony Orchestra in Germany for 2 years. He later took a job at the Črnomelj Music School and occasionally collaborated with the RTV Slovenija Symphony Orchestra, the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Ljubljana Slovenian National Theatre of Opera and Ballet Orchestra. After his employment at the Črnomelj Music School he intensively began to direct his students in learning double bass. In the 2002/2003 school year the double bass section numbered 16 students. Until 2004 he taught double bass in Music school Celje at elementary and secondary level. He also conducted the tamburitza and string orchestra of the Črnomelj Music School. He regularly participated in various Temsig competitions and other competitions. At the national competition of young musicians of the Republic of Slovenia he won 4 gold medals with students (of which one 1st prize) and 3 silver awards. With the Tamburitza Orchestra of the Črnomelj School of Music, he won, among other things, the 1st prize at the international competition at the Pollini Theater in Padua. In recent years he has contributed to Temsig Contest Program for Double Bass Discipline in categories 1. b and 1. c and was also the chairman of the commission in the latest regional competition under the new scheme. He also regularly evaluates international double bass competitions (Croatia, Italy, Serbia …) He is currently performing his third mandate as Headmaster at the Črnomelj Music School.