Aleksandar Serdar se je rodil v Beogradu. Po zaključku študija klavirja v Novem Sadu je nadaljeval šolanje v Združenih državah Amerike in Italiji. Na njegov pianistični slog sta tekom let najbolj vplivala Sergio Perticaroli in Leon Fleisher.
Aleksandar Serdar je, kot narekuje logičen razvoj mladega pianista, sodeloval na številnih mednarodnih tekmovanjih, kjer je prejemal prve nagrade. Med najpomembnejšimi so Monza – Rina Salla Galo, Vercelli (II. nagrada, I. ni bila dodeljena), Carlo Zechhi v Rimu, Cincinnati – World Piano Competition…
Mednarodno tekmovanje »Arthur Rubinstein« v Tel Avivu (1995) je, ko je na njem prejel IV. nagrado, kot najpomembnejše pripeljalo do začetka razvoja njegove mednarodne pianistične kariere.
Aleksandar Serdar je igral solistično, z orkestri in v komornih zasedbah v skoraj vseh državah Evrope, v Severni Ameriki, v Braziliji, Peruju in Čilu, Maroku, Libiji, Izraelu, na Tajskem in Japonskem.
Igral je s filharmoničnimi orkestri v Beogradu, Bremnu, Sofiji, Zagrebu, Torinu, Münchnu, Toulousu, Lillu, San Joseju. Igral je v Sloveniji (Simfonični in RTV orkester) ter z Dresdensko Filharmonijo, v Bangkoku, Maroku, Haifi in z Jeruzalemskim komornim orkestrom (Izrael). Koncertiral je v Sankt-Peterburgu, Atenah in Skopju, s Črnogorskim orkestrom, Simfoničnim orkestrom iz Cincinnatija, v Portlandu ter s Simfoničnim orkestrom iz Santiaga (Čile).
Igral je pod taktirko dirigentov kot so: Jean-Claude Casadesus, Jorg Peter Weigle, Emil Tabakov, Mendi Rodan, Marcello Viotti, Michael Plason, Jansug Kakhidze, Christoph Eschenbah, Marko Letonja in Evan Christ.
Številni uspehi na koncertih po Evropi so pritegnili pozornost glasbenih kritikov in organizatorjev koncertnih sezon ter festivalov. Z enakim entuziazmom je igral na koncertnih odrih kot so: Theatre Chatelet, Auditorium du Louvre, Tonhalle v Zurichu, Alice Tully Hall v New York Lincoln Centru, Gasteig v Münchnu, na Srebrnem abonmaju v Ljubljani ter na festivalih La Roque d’Antheron, Folles Journeaus v Nantesu, Sully sur Loire, St. Riquier, Schleasu Holstein v Hamburgu, Montpellier Festival Radio Francije, Folles Journeaus Lisabon, BEMUS Beograd.
Aleksandar Serdar je posnel svojo prvo zgoščenko za diskografsko hišo EMI, ki je prejela izjemne kritike glasbenih medijev.
Potem je izšla še dvojna zgoščenka, ki je bila posneta v Luxembourgu v organizaciji luksemburške banke in društva Burleska.
Za PGP diskografsko hišo v Srbiji je svojo prvo zgoščenko izdal z baročnim repertoarjem.
Četrto zgoščenko je izdal »Muzički Centar Crne Gore« s skladbami Čajkovskega.
“Aleksandar Serdar je vsekakor ozaveščen pianist z domišljijo in osebnostjo.” Gramophone, februar 1999
“Nihče ne more ignorirati takšnega izvajalca … ki je sposoben in poseduje tako redko kombinacijo avtoritete in plemenitosti duha.” Diapason, december 1998
Leta 1999 je Aleksandar Serdar začel poučevati na Fakulteti glasbene umetnosti v Beogradu, kjer ima naziv rednega profesorja. Od 2016 dela v Sloveniji kot gostujoči profesor na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani in v Glasbeni šoli Celje.
Kot član žirij Aleksandar Serdar sodeluje na številnih nacionalnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Glasbeni center Črne Gore je leta 2012 izdal njegovo prvo knjigo Razvoj pijanističke tehnike. Druga knjiga Interpretacija muzičkog dela bo izdana v Srbiji tekom tega leta.
Sodeloval in predaval je na dveh muzikoloških simpozijih v Nišu in v Vzhodnem Sarajevu.
Aleksandar Serdar was born in Belgrade. After completing his piano studies in Novi Sad, he continued his education in the United States and Italy. His pianist style has been most influenced by Sergio Perticaroli and Leon Fleisher over the years.
As dictated by the logical development of the young pianist, Aleksandar Serdar has participated in numerous international competitions, where he received first prizes. One of the most important are Monza – Rina Salla Galo, Vercelli (II prize, I. was not awarded), Carlo Zechhi in Rome, Cincinnati – World Piano Competition and some others.
The international competition “Arthur Rubinstein” in Tel Aviv (1995) as the most important led to the beginning of the development of his international pianist career, when he received the IV. award.
Aleksandar Serdar has played solo, with orchestras and in chamber ensembles in almost all European countries, in North America, Brazil, Peru and Chile, Morocco, Libya, Israel, Thailand and Japan.
He has played with Philharmonic Orchestras in Belgrade, Bremen, Sofia, Zagreb, Turin, Munich, Toulouse, Lille, San Jose. He played in Slovenia (Symphony and RTV Orchestra) and with the Dresden Philharmonic then in Bangkok, Morocco, Haifa and with the Jerusalem Chamber Orchestra (Israel). Then St. Petersburg, Athens, Skopje, Montenegrin Orchestra, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Portland, Santiago Symphony Orchestra (Chile).
He has played under the baton of conductors such as: Jean-Claude Casadesus, Jorg Peter Weigle, Emil Tabakov, Mendi Rodan, Marcello Viotti, Michael Plason, Jansug Kakhidze, Christoph Eschenbah, Marko Letonja, Evan Christ.
Numerous successes at concerts across Europe have attracted the attention of music critics and organizers of concert seasons and festivals. He has performed with the same enthusiasm on concert stages such as: Theater Chatelet, Auditorium du Louvre, Tonhalle in Zurich, Alice Tully Hall in New York Lincoln Center, Gasteig in Munich, Srebrni abonma Ljubljana and the Festivals “La Roque d’Antheron, Folles Journeaus in Nantes, Sully sur Loire, St. Riquier, Schleasu Holstein in Hamburg, Montpellier Festival Radio France, Folles Journeaus Lisbon, BEMUS Belgrade.
Aleksandar Serdar recorded his first CD for the EMI record company, which received exceptional reviews from music magazines.
Then came the double CD, which was recorded in Luxembourg by the Bank of Luxembourg and the Burlesque Society.
He released his first CD with a baroque repertoire for the PGP record company in Serbia.
The fourth CD was released by the “Music Center of Montenegro” with compositions by Tchaikovsky.
“Aleksandar Serdar is definitely a conscious pianist with imagination and personality.” Gramophone, February 1999
“No one can ignore such a performer … who is capable and possesses such a rare combination of authority and nobility of spirit.” Diapason, December 1998
In 1999, Aleksandar Serdar began teaching at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, where he holds the title of full professor. Since 2016, he has been working in Slovenia as a visiting professor at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana and at the Music School Celje.
As a member of the jury, Aleksandar Serdar participates in many national and international competitions. In 2012, the Music Center of Montenegro published his first book “Development of Piano Technique”. The second book “Interpretation of Music” will be published in Serbia this year.
He participated and lectured at two musicological symposia, in Niš and in East Sarajevo.