Teresa Trevisan, italijanska pianistka, rojena v beneški trdnjavi Palmanova, je z odliko in posebno ministrsko omembo diplomirala na glasbenem konservatoriju “Giuseppe Tartini” v Trstu. Njena mentorja sta bila Luciano Gante v Trstu in Aquiles Delle Vigne na École Normale de Musique “Alfred Cortot” v Parizu, kjer je postala tudi njegova asistentka. Oba profesorja sta močno vplivala na njen umetniški in pedagoški razvoj. Njena prva učiteljica klavirja Maria Puxeddu pa je še posebej prispevala, da se je že od mladosti poglobila v klavirsko pedagogiko. Teresa Trevisan je bila nagrajena na državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih, njeni koncertni nastopi pa so jo popeljali na mnoga pomembna prizorišča v Italiji in tujini, v Evropi in ZDA. Posebno zanimanje za komorno glasbo jo je pripeljalo do obiskovanja Mednarodne akademije Menhuin v Gstaadu in Mednarodne akademije Tria di Trieste v Devinu. Velik del svoje umetniške kariere je posvetila ansamblu klavirskega dua, najprej z njegovim bratom Filippom in trenutno s Flaviem Zaccario, s ciljem odkrivanja manj znanega repertoarja, kot sta Reger (častna omemba Web Concert Hall leta 2006) in Busoni. Po snemanju opere omnia Rahmaninova in nekaj zgoščenk, ki se osredotočajo na Regerjeva dela, je italijanska založba Limen Music leta 2016 ob 150. obletnici njegovega rojstva izdala DVD, ki vključuje opero omnia za dva klavirja Ferruccia Busonija. Po projektu »In search of roots« sta bila za isto založbo naknadno posneta še dva DVD-ja z deli Maxa Regerja, Bartoka in Rahmaninova. Teresa Trevisan je trenutno redna profesorica klavirja na tržaškem glasbenem konservatoriju »Giuseppe Tartini«, kot zmagovalka zadnjega državnega tekmovanja. Njene pedagoške izkušnje so v preteklih letih mnoge študente pripeljale do pomembnih priznanj in nagrad na državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih. Poleg tega je pogosto mednarodna žirantka na tekmovanjih in redno poučuje na mojstrskih tečajih klavirja in klavirskega dua na številnih pomembnih evropskih univerzah in akademijah (Albanija, Avstrija, Belgija, Bolgarija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Hrvaška, Finska, Francija, Velika Britanija, Irska, Litva, Makedonija, Portugalska, Slovenija, Španija, Turčija …). Večletna umetniška vodja Mednarodnega klavirskega tekmovanja “Filippo Trevisan” in Mednarodnega glasbenega tekmovanja “Città di Palmanova”, trenutno je skupaj z Rubenom Dalibaltayanom soumetniški vodja Mednarodnega klavirskega tekmovanja Radovlijca.
The Italian pianist Teresa Trevisan, born in the Venetian fortress of Palmanova, graduated “cum laude” and with a special ministerial mention from the Music Conservatory “Giuseppe Tartini” in Trieste. Her mentors were Luciano Gante in Trieste and Aquiles Delle Vigne at the École Normale de Musique “Alfred Cortot” in Paris, where she also became his assistant. Both professors had a deep influence on her artistic and pedagogical development. However, her first piano teacher Maria Puxeddu especially contributed to immerse her in the piano pedagogy since the youth. Teresa Trevisan was awarded at national and international competitions and her concert performances took her to many important venues in Italy and abroad, in Europe and USA. The particular interest in Chamber Music brought her to attend the International Menhuin Academy of Gstaad and the International Academy of the Trio di Trieste in Duino. Much of her artistic career was devoted to the piano duo ensemble, first with her brother Filippo and currently with Flavio Zaccaria, aiming at discovering a less known repertoire such as Reger (Web Concert Hall honorary mention in 2006) and Busoni. After recording the opera omnia by Rachmaninoff and some CDs focused on works by Reger, in 2016 the Italian label Limen Music released a DVD including the opera omnia for two pianos by Ferruccio Busoni for the 150° anniversary of his birth. Following the project “In search of roots”, two more DVDs were subsequently recorded for the same label with works by Max Reger, Bartok and Rachmaninoff. Teresa Trevisan is currently full time piano professor at the Trieste Music Conservatory “Giuseppe Tartini”, as a winner of the last National State Competition. Her experience as a pedagogue has led within the years many students to important recognitions and awards in national and international renowned competitions. Moreover she frequently serves as an international juror in competitions and regularly teaches piano and piano-duo masterclasses in many important European Universities and Academies (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Croatia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Lithuania, Macedonia, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey…). The artistic director of the International Piano Competition “Filippo Trevisan” and the International Music Competition “Città di Palmanova” for several years, she is currently co-artistic director of the Radovlijca International Piano Competition together with Ruben Dalibaltayan.