Osnovno glasbeno šolo je končala v Dubrovniku, izobraževanje je nadaljevala na srednji stopnji v Zagrebu, kjer je maturirala na Gimnaziji Vatroslava Lisinskega in na VII. gimnaziji.
Diplomirala in magistrirala je iz klavirja v razredu prof. Pavice Gvozdić na Glasbeni akademiji v Zagrebu. V času šolanja je osvojila več priznanj na državnih tekmovanjih: Dekanove nagrade, nagrade Hrvaškega društva skladateljev v sklopu Tribune Darko Lukić in druge.
Imela je vrsto recitalov: v Zagrebu, Dubrovniku, Vinkovcih, Korčuli idr.
Nastopila je kot solistka ob spremljavi Dubrovniškega simfoničnega orkestra.
Med študijem je prejemala štipendijo mesta Zagreb.
Aktivno se je izobraževala pri številnih profesorjih (Paleczny, Nakamura, Torri, Benda, Stanczyk …).
Od leta 2001 je profesorica klavirja na Glasbeni šoli Pavla Markovca v Zagrebu in je vodja Medobžupanijskega strokovnega sveta za klavir.
Njeni učenci se redno udeležujejo regijskih, državnih in mednarodnih tekmovanj, na katerih dosegajo odlične rezultate.
V okviru predmeta pedagoška praksa je mentorica študentom klavirja Akademije za glasbo v 5. letniku.
Zrinka Phillips finished primary music school in Dubrovnik, and continued her education at secondary level in Zagreb, where she graduated from the Vatroslav Lisinski Gymnasium and the VII. Gymnasium.
She graduated and received her master’s degree in piano in the class of Prof. Pavica Gvozdić at the Academy of Music in Zagreb. During her studies, she won several awards at national competitions: the Dean’s Award, the Croatian Composers’ Association Award as part of the Darko Lukić Tribune, and others.
She had a series of recitals: in Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Vinkovci, Korčula, etc.
She performed as a soloist accompanied by the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra.
During her studies, she received a scholarship from the City of Zagreb.
She actively studied with numerous professors (Paleczny, Nakamura, Torri, Benda, Stanczyk, etc.).
Since 2001, she has been a piano professor at the Pavol Markovec Music School in Zagreb and is the head of the Inter-County Professional Council for Piano.
Her students regularly participate in regional, national and international competitions, where they achieve excellent results.
As part of the pedagogical practice course, she is a mentor to 5th-year piano students at the Academy of Music.