Slomškov trg 10, Celje  |  03 492-57-30  |  [email protected]
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Competition program

ZITHER, competition repertoire


  • Pre-category – 9 years and younger
  • I. category – 11 years and younger
  • II. category – 13 years and younger
  • III. category – 15 years and younger
  • IV. category – 17 years and younger
  • V. category – 19 years and younger


All obligatory compositions must be carried out by heart, In Pre-category must be carried out by heart at least one of the compositions.


PRE-CATEGORY, programme duration up to 7 minutes.

At least two or more compositions in different character within time limit.


I. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 10 minutes.

  1. Obligatory  composition: D. Hofmann: Sonnenblumenlied

(Verlag 4’33” vierdreiunddreissig: Irrgartenlieder und Zaubersprüche für Zither)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


II. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 12 minutes.

  1. Obligatory  composition: G. Hensel: Spuren im Schnee (from Rauhnacht)
    (Notenbeilage »StückWerk« Magazin Zither #01/2021, Deutsche Zithermusik Bund e.V.)
  2. Free repertoire within time limit.


III. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 15 minutes.

  1. Obligatory  composition: G. Hensel: Magische Leier (from Rauhnacht)
    (Notenbeilage »StückWerk« Magazin Zither #01/2021, Deutsche Zithermusik Bund e.V.)
  2. Free repertoire within time limit.


IV. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 20 minutes.

  1. Obligatory  composition: G. Hensel: Eisblumen – Wilde Jagd (from Rauhnacht)
    (Notenbeilage »StückWerk« Magazin Zither #01/2021, Deutsche Zithermusik Bund e.V.)
  2. Free repertoire within time limit.


V. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 25 minutes.

  1. Obligatory  composition: D. Hofmann: Im Bambuswäldchen – Kleine Sonate für Zither solo 1. and 2. movement
    (Notenbeilage »StückWerk« Magazin Zither #01/2017, Deutsche Zithermusik Bund e.V.)
  2. Free repertoire within time limit.

ACCORDION, competition repertoire


  • Pre-category – 9 years and younger
  • I. category – 11 years and younger
  • II. category – 13 years and younger
  • III. category – 15 years and younger
  • IV. category – 17 years and younger
  • V. category – 19 years and younger

All obligatory compositions must be carried out by heart.


PRE-CATEGORY, programme duration up to 7 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: Matevž Goršič: Lev na potepu from collection “Komaj čakam, da se usedem za klavir št. 1 – Utrinki iz narave”

(Self-publishing, Kranj 2006; available at: http://www.matgor.com)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


I. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 10 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: Matevž Goršič: Iz popka v cvet  from collection “Komaj čakam, da se usedem za klavir št. 1 – Utrinki iz narave”

(Self-publishing, Kranj 2006; available at: http://www.matgor.com)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


II. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 12 minutes

  1. Obligatory compositions: Matevž Goršič: One from the collection “Komaj čakam, da se usedem za klavir št. 2 – Suita 1-13”

(Self-publishing, Kranj 2006; available at: http://www.matgor.com)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


III. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 15 minutes

  1. Obligatory compositions: Vitja Avsec: 12th variation from “Tema in 12 kratkih variacij”

(Edicije DSS 1746)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


IV. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 20 minutes

  1. Obligatory compositions: Lorenz Schmidt: Makedonski ples / Mazedonischer Tanz (from edition “Szenen”) –

Edition Wunn EW 03097

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


V. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 25 minutes

  1. Obligatory compositions: Wolfgang Jacobi: Serenada / Serenade (from suite”Divertissement”)

Hohner Verlag/Schott Music Mainz

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.

CHAMBER GROUPS WITH HARP, competition repertoire


  • I. a category – average age of group members up to 12 years (0 – 12)
  • I. b category – average age of group members up to 15 years (12,01 – 15)
  • II. category – average age of group members up to 19 years (15,01 – 19)


In discipline chamber groups with harp can compete group up to 5 members. There must be at least one harp instrument in group.

It is not necessary for compositions to be carried out by heart.

In case of transcription an author of transcription must be named.


I. a category, programme duration up to 6 minutes

  1. At least two or more compositions in different character within time limit.


I. b category, programme duration up to 12 minutes

  1. At least two or more compositions in different character within time limit.


II. category, programme duration up to 20 minutes

  1. At least two or more compositions in different character within time limit.


DOUBLE BASS, competition repertoire


  • Pre-category – 9 years and younger
  • I. category – 11 years and younger
  • II. category – 13 years and younger
  • III. category – 15 years and younger
  • IV. category – 17 years and younger
  • V. category – 19 years and younger


All obligatory compositions must be carried out by heart.


PRE-CATEGORY, programme duration up to 7 minutes.

  1. Obligatory composition: Unknown: Sur le pont d’Avignon

(Really Easy Bass Book, T. Osborne; Faber music)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


I. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 10 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: C. Petzold: Menuet

(S. Marinović – Moj prvi kontrabas, Bogataj edition)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


II. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 12 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: R. Schumann: Wild Rider

(Leichte Spielstücke für Kontrabass und Klavier, Teil I, DVfM 32088)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


III. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 15 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: D. Dragonetti: Three waltzes

(Yorke edition, London)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


IV. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 20 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: A. Vivaldi: Sonata for double bass

(Ed. Int. Music)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


V. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 30 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: L. E. Larsson: Concertino for double bas

(Ed. Gehrmans)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit

HORN, competition repertoire


  • Pre-category – 9 years and younger
  • I. category – 11 years and younger
  • II. category – 13 years and younger
  • III. category – 15 years and younger
  • IV. category – 17 years and younger
  • V. category – 19 years and younger



All obligatory compositions must be carried out by heart, in Pre-category, Ist and 2nd category must be carried out by heart at least one of the compositions.


PRE-CATEGORY, programme duration up to 5 minutes

  1. At least two or more compositions in different character within time limit.


I. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 7 minutes

  1. At least two or more compositions in different character within time limit.


II. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 10 minutes

  1. At least two or more compositions in different character within time limit.


III. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 12 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: Obligatory composition: M. Boucard: Legende Rustique

(ed. Gérard Billaudot Éditeur)

  1. Free repertoire within time limit.


IV. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 15 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition: E. Bozza: En Irlande
  2. Free repertoire within time limit.


V. CATEGORY, programme duration up to 20 minutes

  1. Obligatory composition:  W. A. Mozart: Horn Concert no. 3 in E flat major, KV 447 (I. or II. and III. movement), or Camille Saint-Saens: Morceau De Concert
  2. Free repertoire within time limit.
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